المعلومات الشخصية


قسم المواد العامة

الكلية التطبيقية

وسائل التواصل

هاتف: 0565628666

بريد الكتروني: srhassan@kau.edu.sa

سامي رفاعي محمود حسن


نبذة عامة

أ.د. سامي رفاعي محمود حسن

استاذ الرياضيات التطبيقية - جامعة الملك عبد العزيز بجده

و حاصل علي دكتوراة العلوم Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

مهتم بدراسة ميكانيكا المواد المتقدمة والتراكيب النانو مترية - ونظرية المرونة الحرارية والتأثيرات المغناطيسية - وميكانيكا الموائع والميكانيكا الحيوية.

Professor:  Samy Refahy Mahmoud - (S. R. Mahmoud)

Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)

Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences.

Web of Science Researcher ID:  I-1875-2012

ORCID:  0000-0002-7008-1366

Author ID in Scopus:   35148162300

Publications: more than   250 Papers

Total Times Cited: more than  15,000

H-Index: more than     72


#- استاذ الرياضيات التطبيقية - ودكتوراة العلوم ( D.Sc. ) - ميكانيكا المواد المتقدمة والتراكيب النانومترية- نظرية المرونة الحرارية - ميكانيكا الموائع -  جامعة الملك عبد العزيز- الكلية  التطبيقية – قسم المواد العامة-  بتاريخ 2021م ---

#- استاذ الرياضيات التطبيقية  - ميكانيكا المواد المتقدمة والتراكيب النانومترية- نظرية المرونة الحرارية - ميكانيكا الموائع -  جامعة الملك عبد العزيز- كلية الدراسات التطبيقية– قسم المواد العامة-  بتاريخ 2018م ---2020

#- استاذ الرياضيات التطبيقية  - ميكانيكا المواد المتقدمة والتراكيب النانومترية- نظرية المرونة الحرارية- ميكانيكا الموائع -  جامعة الملك عبد العزيز- كلية المجتمع – قسم المواد العامة-  بتاريخ 20217م -2018م

#- استاذ الرياضيات التطبيقية - ميكانيكا المواد المتقدمة والتراكيب النانومترية- نظرية المرونة الحرارية - ميكانيكا الموائعجامعة الملك عبد العزيز- كلية العلوم– قسم الرياضيات  -  بتاريخ 2017م - 2018م

#- استاذ مشارك – جامعة الملك عبد العزيز- كلية العلوم– قسم الرياضيات -  بتاريخ 22-7-2010م

#- استاذ مساعد– جامعة الملك عبد العزيز- كلية العلوم– قسم الرياضيات -  بتاريخ 2007م--2010م

#- درجة الدكتوراة في مجال الرياضيات - جامعة سوهاج  عام 2004م .

#- درجة الماجستيرفي الرياضيات التطبيقية - جامعة سوهاج  عام 2000 م.
بعنوان:-  " بعض المشاكل فى ميكانيكا الأجسام القابلة للتشكل"

Some problems in mechanics of deformable bodies

#- بكالوريوس العلوم في الرياضيات (بتقدير ممتاز- مع مرتبه الشرف) جامعة أسيوط 1994م .

الحالة الاجتماعية: متزوج


الشهادات العلمية

  • 1994

    درجة البكالوريوس من قسم الرياضياتكلية العلوم, جامعة أسيوط, أسوان, مصــــــــر

  • 2001

    درجة الماجستير من قسم الرياضياتكلية العلوم بسوهاج, جامعة جنوب الوادي, سوهاج, مصــــــــر

  • 2004

    درجة الدكتوراة من قسم الرياضياتكلية العلوم, جامعة سوهاج, سوهاج, مصــــــــر

  • 2023

    درجة الدكتوراة من Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)-NATIONAL UNIVERSITYDoctor of Science (D.Sc.)-NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)-NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, طشكند, روسيا

الخبرات السابقة

  • 1996-2000

    معيد بكلية العلوم بسوهاج, كلية العلوم بسوهاج - جامعة جنوب الوادي, سوهاج, مصــــــــر

  • 2000-2004

    محاضر (مدرس مساعد) بكلية العلوم بسوهاج, كلية العلوم بسوهاج - جامعة جنوب الوادي, سوهاج, مصــــــــر

  • 2004-حاليا

    استاذ مساعد (مدرس) بكلية العلوم, كلية العلوم بسوهاج - جامعة سوهاج, سوهاج, مصــــــــر

  • 2006-2008

    استاذ مساعد, استاذ مساعد– جامعة الملك عبد العزيز- كلية المعلمين- بتاريخ 16-8-1427, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2008-2009

    استاذ مشارك, كلية التربية - جامعة الملك عبد العزيز, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2009-2017

    استاذ , جامعة الملك عبد العزيز- كلية العلوم, جده, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2017-2019

    استاذ, جامعة الملك عبد العزيز - كلية المجتمع , جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2019-2020

    استاذ, جامعة الملك عبد العزيز-كلية الدراسات التطبيقية, Jeddah, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2021-حاليا

    استاذ, جامعة الملك عبد العزيز-الكلية التطبيقية, Jeddah, المملكة العربية السعودية

الاهتمامات البحثية

Nano-composite structures, Advanced Materials, Nonlocal elasticity, Elasticity and Thermoelasticity, Fluid Mechanics, Mathematical Modeling, Biomechanics, Functionally graded material, Computational Methods.

الهياكل النانوية المركبة، المواد المتقدمة، المرونة غير المحلية، المرونة والمرونة الحرارية، ميكانيكا الموائع، النمذجة الرياضية، الميكانيكا الحيوية، المواد المتدرجة وظيفيا، الطرق الحسابية.

الاهتمامات العلمية

List of Publications.

  • ·- The book "Ordinary and partial differential equations " scientific algorithm library, Deposit 2007
  • ·- The book "Theory of elasticity and fluid mechanics" scientific algorithm library, Deposit 2008.
  • The book “Statistics using SPSS Program “Al-Shaqri Library for Publishing and Information Technology, Deposit 2023.


  1. Attia, A., Bourada, F., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., Benrahou, K. H., Mahmoud, S. R., & Hussain, M. "Flexure Investigation of P-FG-Plates Via Integral Quasi-3D Theory with Considering Imperfection in the Material Composition." Mechanics of Composite Materials (2024): 1-18.
  2. Bilal, Muhammad, Aatif Ali, Mahmoud, S. R., Elsayed Tag-Eldin, and Mohammed Balubaid. "Fractional Analysis of Unsteady Radiative Brinkman-Type Nanofluid Flow Comprised of CoFe2O3 Nanoparticles Across a Vertical Plate." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 148, no. 24 (2023): 13869-13882.
  3. Kumar, Erukala Kalyan, Subrata Kumar Panda, Souvik Biswas, Mahmoud, S. R., and Mohammed Balubaid. "Theoretical Evaluation of Nonlinear Thermomechanical Deflection Characteristics of Damaged (Cracked) Layered Composite Structural Panel Bonded with Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Fibre and Experimental Verification." Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (2023): 1-20.
  4. Kumar, Erukala Kalyan, Subrata Kumar Panda, Mahmoud, S. R., and Mohammed Balubaid. "Influence of Active SMA Fibre on Deflection Recovery Characteristics of Damaged Laminated Composite Theoretical and Experimental Analysis." Fibers and Polymers 24, no. 9 (2023): 3261-3277.
  5. Dewangan, H. C., Panda, S. K., Sharma, N., Mahmoud, S. R., Harursampath, D., & Mahesh, V. "Thermo-Mechanical Large Deformation Characteristics of Cutout Borne Multilayered Curved Structure: Numerical Prediction and Experimental Validation." International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 150 (2023): 104345.
  6. Ramteke PM, Tiwari S, Kumar EK, Hirwani CK, Panda SK, Mahmoud, S. R., Gupta P, Balubaid M. "Green Waste Energy (Vibration and Wind) Hybrid Harvester Design and Analysis Using Analytical and 3D Finite Element Method." Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies 3 (2023): 1-5.
  7. Kumar, V., Dewangan, H.C., Sharma, N., Panda, S.K. and Mahmoud, S. R. "Nonlinear Deflection Characteristics of Damaged Composite Structure Theoretical Prediction and Experimental Verification." In Structures, Vol. 52, (2023), pp. 410-421.
  8. Taj, M., Hussian, M., Khadimallah, M.A., Safeer, M., Mahmoud, S. R., Iqbal, Z., Ali, M.R., Majeed, A., Ahmad, M. and Tounsi, A. "Buckling Behavior of Intermediate Filaments Based on Euler Bernoulli and Timoshenko Beam Theories." Advances in Concrete Construction 15(3) (2023): 171-178.
  9. Kumar, E.K., Patel, S.S., Kumar, V., Panda, S.K., Mahmoud, S. R. and Balubaid, M. "State of Art Review on Applications and Mechanism of Self-Healing Materials and Structure." Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 30(2) (2023): 1041-1055.
  10. Mahmoud, S. R., Ghandourah, E.I., Algarni, A.H., Balubaid, M.A., Tounsi, A., Tounsi, A. and Bourada, F. "Stability Investigation of Symmetrically Porous Advanced Composites Plates Via a Novel Hyperbolic RPT." Steel and Composite Structures 46(4) (2023): 471-483.
  11. Mahmood, Z., Eldin, S.M., Soliman, A.F., Assiri, T.A., Khan, U. and Mahmoud, S. R. "Impact of an Effective Prandtl Number Model on the Flow of Nanofluids Past an Oblique Stagnation Point on a Convective Surface." Heliyon 9(2) (2023).
  12. Elsebaee, F. A. A., Bilal, M., Mahmoud, S. R., Balubaid, M., Shuaib, M., Asamoah, J. K., & Ali, A. "Motile Micro-Organism Based Trihybrid Nanofluid Flow with an Application of Magnetic Effect Across a Slender Stretching Sheet: Numerical Approach." AIP Advances 13(3) (2023): 035237.
  13. Kumar, V., Panda, S. K., Dwivedi, M., Mahmoud, S. R., & Balubaid, M. "Nonlinear Modal Responses of Damaged Shell Structures: Numerical Prediction and Experimental Validation." AIAA Journal (2023): 1-10.
  14. Tamrabet, A., Mamen, B., Menasria, A., Bouhadra, A., Tounsi, A., Ghazwani, M. H., ... & Mahmoud, S. R. "Buckling Behaviors of FG Porous Sandwich Plates with Metallic Foam Cores Resting on Elastic Foundation." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 85(3) (2023): 289.
  15. Kumar, E. K., Panda, S. K., Dwivedi, M., Mahmoud, S. R., & Balubaid, M. "Numerical Thermal Frequency Prediction of Damaged Smart Composite Structure and Experimental Validation." In Structures, Vol. 47, (2023), pp. 2408-2421.
  16. Weera, W., Zamart, C., Sabir, Z., Raja, M. A. Z., Alwabli, A. S., Mahmoud, S. R., ... & Botmart, T. "Fractional Order Environmental and Economic Model Investigations Using Artificial Neural Network." CMC-Computers Materials & Continua 74(1) (2023): 1735-1748.
  17. Kumar, V., Kumar, E. K., Dewangan, H. C., Sharma, N., Panda, S. K., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Strain Rate Loading Effects on Fiber-Reinforced Polymeric Composites with and Without Damage: A Comprehensive Review." Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 76(1) (2023): 1-10.
  18. Kumar, V., Panda, S. K., Mahmoud, S. R., & Balubaid, M. "Numerical Investigation of Transient Thermo-Mechanical Loading Effect on Combined Damaged (Crack and Delamination) Curved Shell Structure: An Experimental Verification." Ocean Engineering 266 (2022): 113009.
  19. Kumar, E. K., Sharma, N., Panda, S. K., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Numerical Prediction of Thermal Buckling Load Parameters of Damaged Polymeric Layered Composite Structure and Reversal of Strength Using SMA Fibre." Archive of Applied Mechanics 92(12) (2022): 3829-3845.
  20. Bondla, S., Sharma, N., Panda, S. K., Hirwani, C. K., Mahmoud, S. R., & Kumar, V. "Uncertain Frequency Responses of CNT–Reinforced Polymeric Graded Structure Using Fuzzified Elastic Properties–Fuzzy Finite Element Approach." Waves in Random and Complex Media (2022): 1-24.
  21. Alharbi, K. A. M., Khan, Z., Zuhra, S., Islam, S., Ali, A., Tag-Eldin, E., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Numerical Study of the Electromagnetohydrodynamic Bioconvection Flow of Micropolar Nanofluid through a Stretching Sheet with Thermal Radiation and Stratification." ACS Omega, 7(47) (2022): 42733-42751.
  22. Sabir, Z., Raja, M. A. Z., Mahmoud, S. R., Guirao, J. L., & Sanchez, J. M. "A Heuristic Computing Approach Using Sequential Quadratic Programming to Solve the Fifth Kind of Induction Motor Model." Fractals, 30(10) (2022): 1-13.
  23. Dewangan, H. C., Panda, S. K., Mahmoud, S. R., Harursampath, D., Mahesh, V., & Balubaid, M. "Geometrical Large Deformation-Dependent Numerical Dynamic Deflection Prediction of Cutout Borne Composite Structure Under Thermomechanical Loadings and Experimental Verification." Acta Mechanica (2022): 1-25.
  24. Kumar, V., Dewangan, H. C., Sharma, N., Panda, S. K., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior of a Damaged Laminated Shell Structure Under Time-Dependent Mechanical Loading." Acta Mechanica, 233(11) (2022): 4407-4425.
  25. Kumar, E. K., Patel, S. S., Kumar, V., Panda, S. K., & Mahmoud, S. R., & Balubaid, M. "State of Art Review on Applications and Mechanism of Self-Healing Materials and Structure." Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering (2022): 1-15.
  26. Hussain, M., Asghar, S., Khadimallah, M. A., Ayed, H., Alghamdi, S., Bhutto, J. K., & Mahmoud, S. R., ... & Tounsi, A. "Effect of Dimensionless Nonlocal Parameter: Vibration of Double-Walled CNTs." Computers and Concrete, 30(4) (2022): 269-276.
  27. Sahoo, B., Sharma, N., Sahoo, B., Ramteke, P. M., Panda, S. K., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of FGM Sandwich Structure Under Thermal Loadings." In Structures, Vol. 44 (2022): 1392-1402.
  28. Mamen, B., Bouhadra, A., Bourada, F., Bourada, M., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R., & Hussain, M. "Combined Effect of Thickness Stretching and Temperature-Dependent Material Properties on Dynamic Behavior of Imperfect FG Beams Using Three Variable Quasi-3D Model." Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies (2022): 1-23.
  29. Bakoura, A., Djedid, I. K., Bourada, F., Bousahla, A. A., & Mahmoud, S. R., Tounsi, A., ... & Alnujaie, A. "A Mechanical Behavior of Composite Plates Using a Simple Three Variable Refined Plate Theory." Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 83(5) (2022): 617-625.
  30. Hissaria, P., Ramteke, P. M., Hirwani, C. K., & Mahmoud, S. R., Kumar, E. K., & Panda, S. K. "Numerical Investigation of Eigenvalue Characteristics (Vibration and Buckling) of Damaged Porous Bidirectional FG Panels." Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies (2022): 1-13.
  31. Hussain, M., Sharif, H., Khadimallah, M. A., Ayed, H., Banoqitah, E. M., Loukil, H., Mahmoud, S. R., ... & Tounsi, A. "Numerical Calculations for Bioconvection MHD Casson Nanofluid Flow: Study of Brownian Motion." Computers and Concrete 30(2) (2022): 143-150.
  32. Sharif, H., Hussain, M., Khadimallah, M. A., Ayed, H., Taj, M., Bhutto, J. K., Mahmoud, S. R., ... & Tounsi, A. "Theoretical Fabrication of Williamson Nanoliquid Over a Stretchable Surface." Advances in Concrete Construction 14(2) (2022): 103-113.
  33. Hussain, M., Sharif, H., Khadimallah, M. A., Ayed, H., Banoqitah, E. M., Loukil, H., Mahmoud, S. R., ... & Tounsi, A. "Use of Rotating Disk for Darcy-Forchheimer Flow of Nanofluid; Similarity Transformation Through Porous Media." Computers and Concrete 30(1) (2022): 1-8.
  34. Alhebshi, A. M. S., Metwally, A. M., Al-Basyouni, K. S., Mahmoud, S. R., Al-Solami, H. M., & Alwabli, A. S. "Mechanical Behavior and Physical Properties of Protein Microtubules in Living Cells Using the Nonlocal Beam Theory." Physical Mesomechanics 25(2) (2022): 181-186.
  35. Ayub, A., Sabir, Z., Shah, S. Z. H., Mahmoud, S. R., Algarni, A., Sadat, R., & Ali, M. R. "Aspects of Infinite Shear Rate Viscosity and Heat Transport of Magnetized Carreau Nanofluid." The European Physical Journal Plus 137(2) (2022): 247.
  36. Ayub, A., Sabir, Z., Wahab, H. A., Balubaid, M., Mahmoud, S. R., Ali, M. R., & Sadat, R. "Analysis of the Nanoscale Heat Transport and Lorentz Force Based on the Time-Dependent Cross Nanofluid." Engineering with Computers (2022): 1-20.
  37. Umar, M., Sabir, Z., Zahoor Raja, M. A., Al-Basyouni, K. S., Mahmoud, S. R., & Sánchez, Y. G. "An Advance Computing Numerical Heuristic of Nonlinear SIR Dengue Fever System Using the Morlet Wavelet Kernel." Journal of Healthcare Engineering (2022): Article ID 9927283.
  38. Sabir, Z., Raja, M. A. Z., Mahmoud, S. R., Balubaid, M., Algarni, A., Alghtani, A. H., ... & Le, D. N. "A Novel Design of Morlet Wavelet to Solve the Dynamics of Nervous Stomach Nonlinear Model." International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 15(1) (2022): Article 4.
  39. Djilali, N., Bousahla, A. A., Kaci, A., Selim, M. M., Bourada, F., Tounsi, A., ... & Mahmoud, S. R. "Large Cylindrical Deflection Analysis of F.G. Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Plates in Thermal Environment Using a Simple Integral HSDT." Steel and Composite Structures 42(6) (2022): 779-789.
  40. Hussain, M., Asghar, S., Khadimallah, M. A., Ayed, H., Banoqitah, E. M., Loukil, H., ... & Mahmoud, S. R., ... & Tounsi, A. "Elastic Shell Model: Effect of Young's Modulus on the Vibration of Double-Walled CNTs." Advances in Concrete Construction 13(6) (2022): 471-479.
  41. Bakhadda, B., Bouiadjra, M. B., Bourada, F., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Buckling Analysis of Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Composite Plates Resting on Elastic Foundation." AIJR Abstracts (2022, March 8): 70.
  42. Jalil, M., Hussain, M., Khadimallah, M. A., Iqbal, W., Loukil, H., Mouldi, A., ... & Mahmoud, S. R., ... & Tounsi, A. "Combined Influence of Slip Parameter and Reynolds Number on Casson Nanofluid Flowing in Stretching Cylinder." Computers and Concrete 30(5) (2022): 369-375.
  43. Mahmoud, S. R., Ghandourah, E., Algarni, A., Balubaid, M., Tounsi, A., & Bourada, F. "On Thermo-Mechanical Bending Response of Porous Functionally Graded Sandwich Plates Via a Simple Integral Plate Model." Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 22(4) (2022): Article 1008.
  44. Draiche, K., Selim, M. M., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., Bourada, F., ... & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Computational Investigation on Flexural Response of Laminated Composite Plates Using a Simple Quasi-3D HSDT." Steel and Composite Structures 41(5) (2021): 697-711.
  45. Sabir, Z., Nisar, K., Raja, M. A. Z., Ibrahim, A. A., Rodrigues, J. J., Al-Basyouni, K. S., ... & Mahmoud, S. R., ... & Rawat, D. B. "Design of Morlet Wavelet Neural Network for Solving the Higher Order Singular Nonlinear Differential Equations." Alexandria Engineering Journal 60(6) (2021): 5935-5947.
  46. Al-Furjan, M. S. H., Farrokhian, A., Mahmoud, S. R., & Kolahchi, R. "Dynamic Deflection and Contact Force Histories of Graphene Platelets Reinforced Conical Shell Integrated with Magnetostrictive Layers Subjected to Low-Velocity Impact." Thin-Walled Structures 163 (2021): 107706.
  47. Motezaker, M., Kolahchi, R., Rajak, D. K., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Influences of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Layer on the Dynamic Deflection of Concrete Pipes Containing Nanoparticle Subjected to Earthquake Load." Polymer Composites (2021).
  48. Al-Basyouni, K. S., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Effect of the Magnetic Field, Initial Stress, Rotation, and Nonhomogeneity on Stresses in Orthotropic Material." Physical Mesomechanics 24(3) (2021): 303-310.
  49. Taj, M., Khadimallah, M. A., Hussain, M., Fareed, K., Safeer, M., Khedher, K. M., ... & Mahmoud, S. R., ... & Tounsi, A. "Thermal Stress Effects on Microtubules Based on Orthotropic Model: Vibrational Analysis." Advances in Concrete Construction 11(3) (2021): 255-260.
  50. Mekerbi, M., Benyoucef, S., Mahmoudi, A., Tounsi, A., Bousahla, A. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Thermodynamic Behavior of Functionally Graded Sandwich Plates Resting on Different Elastic Foundation and with Various Boundary Conditions." Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials 23(3) (2021): 1028-1057.
  51. Alhebshi, A. M. S., Metwally, A. M., Al-Basyouni, K. S., Mahmoud, S. R., Al-Solami, H. M., & Alwabli, A. S. "Mechanical Behavior and Physical Properties of Protein Microtubules in Living Cells Using the Nonlocal Beam Theory." Physical Mesomechanics 25(2) (2022): 99-104.
  52. Nisar, K., Sabir, Z., Raja, M. A. Z., Ibrahim, A. A., Mahmoud, S. R., Balubaid, M., Rawat, D. B., & Rodrigues, J. J. "Numerical Study of the Environmental and Economic System through the Computational Heuristic Based on Artificial Neural Networks." Sensors 21(19) (2021): 6567.
  53. Sabir, Z., Ibrahim, A. A., Raja, M. A. Z., Nisar, K., Umar, M., Rodrigues, J. J., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Soft Computing Paradigms to Find the Numerical Solutions of a Nonlinear Influenza Disease Model." Applied Sciences 11(18) (2021): 8549.
  54. Alkenani, N., Mahmoud, S. R., Metwally, A. M., Alwabli, A. S., & Al-Solami, H. M. "A Mechanical Approach for Mosquito Fascicle under the Influence of Mechanical Forces with Medical Applications." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 79(6) (2021): 677-682.
  55. Al-Basyouni, K. S., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Mathematical Approach for the Effect of the Rotation, the Magnetic Field and the Initial Stress in the Non-Homogeneous An Elastic Hollow Cylinder." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 79(5) (2021): 593-599.
  56. Taj, M., Khadimallah, M. A., Hussain, M., Mahmood, S., Safeer, M., Rashid, Y., Ahmad, M., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Instability Analysis of Microfilaments with and without Surface Effects Using Euler Theory." Advances in Nano Research 10(6) (2021): 509-516.
  57. Sharif, H., Khadimallah, M. A., Naeem, M. N., Hussain, M., Mahmoud, S. R., Al-Basyouni, K. S., & Tounsi, A. "The Investigation of Magnetohydrodynamic Nanofluid Flow with Arrhenius Energy Activation." Advances in Nano Research 10(5) (2021): 437-448.
  58. Balubaid, M., Abdo, H., Ghandourah, E., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Dynamical Behavior of the Orthotropic Elastic Material Using an Analytical Solution." Geomechanics and Engineering 25(4) (2021): 331-339.
  59. Ramady, A., Atia, H. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "An Analytical Solution for Equations and the Dynamical Behavior of the Orthotropic Elastic Material." Advances in Concrete Construction 11(4) (2021): 315-321.
  60. Zerrouki, R., Karas, A., Zidour, M., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., Bourada, F., Benrahou, K. H., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Effect of Nonlinear FG-CNT Distribution on Mechanical Properties of Functionally Graded Nano-Composite Beam." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 78(2) (2021): 117-124.
  61. Taj, M., Khadimallah, M. A., Hussain, M., Rashid, Y., Ishaque, W., Mahmoud, S. R., Din, Q., Alwabli, A. S., & Tounsi, A. "Discrimination and Bifurcation Analysis of Tumor Immune Interaction in Fractional Form." Advances in Nano Research 10(4) (2021): 359-371.
  62. Hachemi, H., Bousahla, A. A., Kaci, A., Bourada, F., Tounsi, A., Benrahou, K. H., Al-Zahrani, M. M., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Bending Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates Using a New Refined Quasi-3D Shear Deformation Theory and the Concept of the Neutral Surface Position." Steel and Composite Structures 39(1) (2021): 51-64.
  63. Iqbal, W., Jalil, M., Qazaq, A., Khadimallah, M. A., Naeem, M. N., Hussain, M., Ghandourah, E., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Effect of Suction on Flow of Dusty Fluid Along Exponentially Stretching Cylinder." Advances in Nano Research 10(3) (2021): 263-270.
  64. Bakoura, A., Bourada, F., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., Benrahou, K. H., Al-Zahrani, M. M., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Buckling Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates Using HSDT in Conjunction with the Stress Function Method." Computers and Concrete 27(1) (2021): 73-83.
  65. Guellil, M., Saidi, H., Bourada, F., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., Al-Zahrani, M. M., Hussain, M., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Influences of Porosity Distributions and Boundary Conditions on Mechanical Bending Response of Functionally Graded Plates Resting on Pasternak Foundation." Steel and Composite Structures 38(1) (2021): 1-15.
  66. Alwabli, A. S., Kaci, A., Bellifa, H., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., Al-Zahrani, D. A., Abulfaraj, A. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "The Nano Scale Buckling Properties of Isolated Protein Microtubules Based on Modified Strain Gradient Theory and a New Single Variable Trigonometric Beam Theory." Advances in Nano Research 10(1) (2021): 15-24.
  67. Iqbal, W., Jalil, M., Khadimallah, M. A., Hussain, M., Naeem, M. N., Al Naim, A. F., Mahmoud, S. R., & Tounsi, A. "Flow of Casson Nanofluid Along Permeable Exponentially Stretching Cylinder: Variation of Mass Concentration Profile." Steel and Composite Structures 38(1) (2021): 33-45.
  68. Mahmoud, S. R., Al-Solami, H. M., Alkenani, N., Alhebshi, A., Alwabli, A. S., & Bahieldin, A. "A Mechanical Model to Investigate Aedes Aegypti Mosquito Bite Using New Techniques and Its Applications." Membrane and Water Treatment 11(6) (2020): 399-406.
  69. Belbachir, N., Bourada, M., Draiche, K., Tounsi, A., Bourada, F., Bousahla, A. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Thermal Flexural Analysis of Anti-Symmetric Cross-Ply Laminated Plates Using a Four Variable Refined Theory." Smart Structures and Systems 25(4) (2020): 409-422.
  70. Bellal, M., Hebali, H., Heireche, H., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., Bourada, F., & Mahmoud, S. R., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Tounsi, A. "Buckling Behavior of a Single-Layered Graphene Sheet Resting on Viscoelastic Medium Via Nonlocal Four-Unknown Integral Model." Steel and Composite Structures 34(5) (2020): 643-655.
  71. Bourada, F., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Mahmoud, S. R., Benrahou, K. H., & Tounsi, A. "Stability and Dynamic Analyses of SW-CNT Reinforced Concrete Beam Resting on Elastic-Foundation." Computers and Concrete 25(6) (2020): 485-495.
  72. Bousahla, A. A., Bourada, F., Mahmoud, S. R., Tounsi, A., Algarni, A., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Tounsi, A. "Buckling and Dynamic Behavior of the Simply Supported CNT-RC Beams Using an Integral-First Shear Deformation Theory." Computers and Concrete 25(2) (2020): 155-166.
  73. Chikr, S. C., Kaci, A., Bousahla, A. A., Bourada, F., Tounsi, A., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Mahmoud, S. R., Benrahou, S. R., & Tounsi, A. "A Novel Four-Unknown Integral Model for Buckling Response of F.G. Sandwich Plates Resting on Elastic Foundations Under Various Boundary Conditions Using Galerkin's Approach." Geomechanics and Engineering 21(5) (2020): 471-487.
  74. Khadimallah, M. A., Safeer, M., Taj, M., Ayed, H., Hussain, M., Bouzgarrou, S. M., Mahmoud, S. R., Ahmad, M., & Tounsi, A. "The Effects of the Surrounding Viscoelastic Media on the Buckling Behavior of Single Microfilament Within the Cell: A Mechanical Model." Advances in Concrete Construction 10(2) (2020): 141.
  75. Matouk, H., Bousahla, A. A., Heireche, H., Bourada, F., Adda Bedia, E. A., Tounsi, A., Mahmoud, S. R., Tounsi, A., & Benrahou, K. H. "Investigation on Hygro-Thermal Vibration of P-FG and Symmetric S-FG Nanobeam Using Integral Timoshenko Beam Theory." Advances in Nano Research 8(4) (2020): 293-305.
  76. Menasria, A., Kaci, A., Bousahla, A. A., Bourada, F., Tounsi, A., Benrahou, K. H., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Four-Unknown Refined Plate Theory for Dynamic Analysis of FG-Sandwich Plates under Various Boundary Conditions." Steel and Composite Structures 36(3) (2020): 355–367. DOI: 10.12989/SCS.2020.36.3.355
  77. Rabhi, M., Benrahou, K. H., Kaci, A., Houari, M. S. A., Bourada, F., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A New Innovative 3-Unknowns HSDT for Buckling and Free Vibration of Exponentially Graded Sandwich Plates Resting on Elastic Foundations under Various Boundary Conditions." Geomechanics and Engineering 22(2) (2020): 119-132. DOI: 10.12989/gae.2020.22.2.119
  78. Rahmani, M. C., Kaci, A., Bousahla, A. A., Bourada, F., Tounsi, A., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Influence of Boundary Conditions on the Bending and Free Vibration Behavior of FGM Sandwich Plates Using a Four-Unknown Refined Integral Plate Theory." Computers and Concrete 25(3) (2020): 225-244.
  79. Refrafi, S., Bousahla, A. A., Bouhadra, A., Menasria, A., Bourada, F., Tounsi, A., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Effects of Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical Conditions on the Buckling of F.G. Sandwich Plates Resting on Elastic Foundations." Computers and Concrete 25(4) (2020): 311-325.
  80. Zine, A., Bousahla, A. A., Bourada, F., Benrahou, K. H., Tounsi, A., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Bending Analysis of Functionally Graded Porous Plates via a Refined Shear Deformation Theory." Computers and Concrete 26(1) (2020): DOI: 10.12989/cac.2020.26.1.063
  81. Allam, O., Draiche, K., Bousahla, A. A., Bourada, F., Tounsi, A., Benrahou, K. H., Mahmoud, S. R., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Tounsi, A. "A Generalized 4-Unknown Refined Theory for Bending and Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite and Sandwich Plates and Shells." Computers and Concrete 26(2) (2020): 185-201.
  82. Iqbal, W., Jalil, M., Khadimallah, M. A., Ayed, H., Naeem, M. N., Hussain, M., Bouzgarrou, S. M., Mahmoud, S. R., Ghandourah, E., Taj, M., & Tounsi, A. "Runge-Kutta Method for Flow of Dusty Fluid Along Exponentially Stretching Cylinder." Steel and Composite Structures 36(5) (2020): 603.
  83. Ramady, A., Mahmoud, S. R., & Atia, H. A. "A Theoretical Approach in 2D-Space with Applications of the Periodic Wave Solutions in the Elastic Body." Membrane Water Treatment 11(4) (2020): 295-306.
  84. Ramady, A., Dakhel, B., Balubaid, M., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Mathematical Approach for the Effect of the Rotation on Thermal Stresses in the Piezo-Electric Homogeneous Material." Computers and Concrete 25(5) (2020): 471-478.
  85. Bourada, M., Bouadi, A., Bousahla, A. A., Senouci, A., Bourada, F., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Buckling Behavior of Rectangular Plates under Uniaxial and Biaxial Compression." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 70(1) (2019): 113-123. DOI: 10.12989/sem.2019.70.1.113
  86. Zarga, D., Tounsi, A., Bousahla, A. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Thermomechanical Bending Study for Functionally Graded Sandwich Plates Using a Simple Quasi-3D Shear Deformation Theory." Steel and Composite Structures 32(3) (2019): 389-410. DOI: 10.12989/scs.2019.32.3.389
  87. Hellal, H., Bourada, M., Hebali, H., Bourada, F., Tounsi, A., Bousahla, A. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Dynamic and Stability Analysis of Functionally Graded Material Sandwich Plates in Hygro-Thermal Environment Using a Simple Higher Shear Deformation Theory." Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials (2019): DOI: 10.1177/1099636219845841
  88. Balubaid, M., Tounsi, A., Dakhel, B., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Free Vibration Investigation of F.G. Nanoscale Plate Using Nonlocal Two Variables Integral Refined Plate Theory." Computers and Concrete 24(6) (2019): 579-586.
  89. Meksi, R., Benyoucef, S., Mahmoudi, A., Tounsi, A., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "An Analytical Solution for Bending, Buckling, and Vibration Responses of FGM Sandwich Plates." Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials 21(2) (2019): 727-757.
  90. Hellal, H., Bourada, M., Hebali, H., Bourada, F., Tounsi, A., Bousahla, A. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Dynamic and Stability Analysis of FGM Sandwich Plates in Hygro-Thermal Environment Using a Simple HSDT." Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials (2019): DOI: 10.1177/1099636219845841
  91. Boutaleb, S., Benrahou, K. H., Bakora, A., Algarni, A., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Dynamic Analysis of Nanosize F.G. Rectangular Plates Based on Simple Nonlocal Quasi 3D HSDT." Advances in Nano Research 7(3) (2019): 189-206.
  92. Draiche, K., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., Alwabli, A. S., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Static Analysis of Laminated Reinforced Composite Plates Using a Simple First-Order Shear Deformation Theory." Computers and Concrete 24(4) (2019): 369-378.
  93. Khiloun, M., Bousahla, A. A., Kaci, A., Bessaim, A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Analytical Modeling of Bending and Vibration of Thick Advanced Composite Plates Using a Four-Variable Quasi 3D HSDT." Engineering with Computers (2019): DOI: 10.1007/s00366-019-00841-9
  94. Mahmoudi, A., Benyoucef, S., Tounsi, A., Benachour, A., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Refined Quasi-3D Shear Deformation Theory for Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Functionally Graded Sandwich Plates on Elastic Foundations." Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 21(6) (2019): 1906-1926.
  95. Mekerbi, M., Benyoucef, S., Mahmoudi, A., Tounsi, A., Bousahla, A. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Thermodynamic Behavior of Functionally Graded Sandwich Plates Resting on Different Elastic Foundation and with Various Boundary Conditions." Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials (2019): DOI: 10.1177/1099636219834542
  96. Medani, M., Benahmed, A., Zidour, M., Heireche, H., Tounsi, A., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Static and Dynamic Behavior of (FG-CNT) Reinforced Porous Sandwich Plate Using Energy Principle." Steel and Composite Structures 32(5) (2019): 595-610.
  97. Bourada, F., Amara, K., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Novel Refined Plate Theory for Stability Analysis of Hybrid and Symmetric S-FGM Plates." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 68(6) (2018): 661-675.
  98. Mazari, A., Attia, A., Sekkal, M., Kaci, A., Tounsi, A., Bousahla, A. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Bending Analysis of Functionally Graded Thick Plates with In-Plane Stiffness Variation." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 68(4) (2018): 409-421.
  99. Bakhadda, B., Bouiadjra, M. B., Bourada, F., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Dynamic and Bending Analysis of Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Composite Plates with Elastic Foundation." Wind and Structures 27(5) (2018): 311-324.
  100. Sadoun, M., Houari, M. S. A., Bakora, A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R., Alwabli, A. S. "Vibration Analysis of Thick Orthotropic Plates Using Quasi 3D Sinusoidal Shear Deformation Theory." Geomechanics and Engineering 16(2) (2018): 141-150.
  101. Taleb, O., Houari, M. S. A., Bessaim, A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A New Plate Model for Vibration Response of Advanced Composite Plates in Thermal Environment." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 67(4) (2018): 369-383.
  102. Houari, M. S. A., Bessaim, A., Bernard, F., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Buckling Analysis of New Quasi-3D F.G. Nanobeams Based on Nonlocal Strain Gradient Elasticity Theory and Variable Length Scale Parameter." Steel and Composite Structures 28(1) (2018): 13-24.
  103. Hebbar, N., Bourada, M., Sekkal, M., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Novel Four-Unknown Quasi-3D Shear Deformation Theory for Functionally Graded Plates." Steel and Composite Structures 27(5) (2018): 599-611.
  104. Younsi, A., Tounsi, A., Zaoui, F. Z., Bousahla, A. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Novel Quasi-3D and 2D Shear Deformation Theories for Bending and Free Vibration Analysis of FGM Plates." Geomechanics and Engineering 14(6) (2018): 519-532.
  105. Fourn, H., Ait Atmane, H., Bourada, M., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Novel Four Variable Refined Plate Theory for Wave Propagation in Functionally Graded Material Plates." Steel and Composite Structures 27(1) (2018): 109-122.
  106. Bouhadra, A., Tounsi, A., Bousahla, A. A., Benyoucef, S., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Improved HSDT Accounting for Effect of Thickness Stretching in Advanced Composite Plates." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 66(1) (2018): 61-73.
  107. Mokhtar, Y., Heireche, H., Bousahla, A. A., Houari, M. S. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Novel Shear Deformation Theory for Buckling Analysis of Single Layer Graphene Sheet Based on Nonlocal Elasticity Theory." Smart Structures and Systems 21(4) (2018): 397-405.
  108. Kaci, A., Houari, M. S. A., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Post-Buckling Analysis of Shear-Deformable Composite Beams Using a Novel Simple Two-Unknown Beam Theory." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 65(5) (2018): 621-631.
  109. Attia, A., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., Mahmoud, S. R., & Alwabli, A. S. "A Refined Four Variable Plate Theory for Thermoelastic Analysis of FGM Plates Resting on Variable Elastic Foundations." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 65(4) (2018): 453-464.
  110. Belabed, Z., Bousahla, A. A., Houari, M. S. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A New 3-Unknown Hyperbolic Shear Deformation Theory for Vibration of Functionally Graded Sandwich Plate." Earthquakes and Structures 14(2) (2018): 103-115.
  111. Zine, A., Tounsi, A., Draiche, K., Sekkal, M., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Novel Higher-Order Shear Deformation Theory for Bending and Free Vibration Analysis of Isotropic and Multilayered Plates and Shells." Steel and Composite Structures 26(2) (2018): 125-137.
  112. Abualnour, M., Houari, M. S. A., Tounsi, A., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Novel Quasi-3D Trigonometric Plate Theory for Free Vibration Analysis of Advanced Composite Plates." Composite Structures 184 (2018): 688-697.
  113. Benchohra, M., Driz, H., Bakora, A., Tounsi, A., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A New Quasi-3D Sinusoidal Shear Deformation Theory for Functionally Graded Plates." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 65(1) (2018): 19-31.
  114. Mahmoud, S. R., & Tounsi, A. "A New Shear Deformation Plate Theory with Stretching Effect for Buckling Analysis of Functionally Graded Sandwich Plates." Steel and Composite Structures Journal 24(5) (2017).
  115. Abdelaziz, H. H., Meziane, M. A. A., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., Mahmoud, S. R., & Alwabli, A. S. "An Efficient Hyperbolic Shear Deformation Theory for Bending, Buckling and Free Vibration of FGM Sandwich Plates with Various Boundary Conditions." Steel and Composite Structures 25(6) (2017): 693-704.
  116. Hachemi, H., Kaci, A., Houari, M. S. A., Bourada, M., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A New Simple Three-Unknown Shear Deformation Theory for Bending Analysis of F.G. Plates Resting on Elastic Foundations." Steel and Composite Structures 25(6) (2017): 717-726.
  117. Klouche, F., Darcherif, L., Sekkal, M., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "An Original Single Variable Shear Deformation Theory for Buckling Analysis of Thick Isotropic Plates." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 63(4) (2017): 439-446.
  118. Sekkal, M., Fahsi, B., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Novel and Simple Higher Order Shear Deformation Theory for Stability and Vibration of Functionally Graded Sandwich Plate." Steel and Composite Structures 25(4) (2017): 389-401.
  119. Khetir, H., Bouiadjra, M. B., Houari, M. S. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A New Nonlocal Trigonometric Shear Deformation Theory for Thermal Buckling Analysis of Embedded Nanosize F.G. Plates." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 64(4) (2017): 391-402.
  120. Sekkal, M., Fahsi, B., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A New Quasi-3D HSDT for Buckling and Vibration of F.G. Plate." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 64(6) (2017): 737-749.
  121. Bellifa, H., Bakora, A., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "An Efficient and Simple Four Variable Refined Plate Theory for Buckling Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates." Steel and Composite Structures 25(3) (2017): 257-270.
  122. El-Haina, F., Bakora, A., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Simple Analytical Approach for Thermal Buckling of Thick Functionally Graded Sandwich Plates." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 63(5) (2017): 585-595.
  123. Mouffoki, A., Adda Bedia, E. A., Houari, M. S. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Vibration Analysis of Nonlocal Advanced Nanobeams in Hygro-Thermal Environment Using a New Two-Unknown Trigonometric Shear Deformation Beam Theory." Smart Structures Systems 20(3) (2017).
  124. Asmaa, F., Tounsi, A., Hebali, H., Chikh, A., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Four Variable Refined nth-Order Shear Deformation Theory for Mechanical and Thermal Buckling Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates." Geomechanics and Engineering 13(3) (2017): 385-410.
  125. Menasria, A., Bouhadra, A., Tounsi, A., Bousahla, A. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A New and Simple HSDT for Thermal Stability Analysis of F.G. Sandwich Plates." Steel and Composite Structures 25(2) (2017): 157-175.
  126. Zidi, M., Houari, M. S. A., Tounsi, A., Bessaim, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Novel Simple Two-Unknown Hyperbolic Shear Deformation Theory for Functionally Graded Beams." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 64(2) (2017): 145-153.
  127. Chikh, A., Tounsi, A., Hebali, H., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Thermal Buckling Analysis of Cross-Ply Laminated Plates Using a Simplified HSDT." Smart Structures Systems 19(3) (2017): 289-297.
  128. Besseghier, A., Houari, M. S. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Free Vibration Analysis of Embedded Nanosize F.G. Plates Using a New Nonlocal Trigonometric Shear Deformation Theory." Smart Structures and Systems 19(6) (2017): 601-614.
  129. Bellifa, H., Benrahou, K. H., Bousahla, A. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Nonlocal Zeroth-Order Shear Deformation Theory for Nonlinear Postbuckling of Nanobeams." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 62(6) (2017): 695-702.
  130. Mahmoud, S. R., Alzahrani, E. O., Alzahrani, A. K., Ghandourah, E., & Ghaleb, S. A. "Mathematical Model of Wave Propagation in Thermos-Magneto-Piezoelectric Elastic Solid Bar Immersed in an Inviscid Fluid." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 14(8) (2017): 3764-3771.
  131. Mahmoud, S. R., Alzahrani, E. O., Alzahrani, A. K., Ghandourah, E., & Ghaleb, S. A. "Mathematical Model of Wave Propagation in Thermo-Magneto-Piezoelectric Transversely Isotropic Cylindrical Material." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 14(8) (2017): 3812-3820.
  132. Mahmoud, S. R., Alzahrani, A. K., Ghandourah, E., & Ghaleb, S. A. "Mathematical Model for Problem of Stresses in Thermo-Magneto-Piezoelectric Material." Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences 11(4) (2017): 1217-1223.
  133. Mahmoud, S. R., & Tounsi, A. "On Problem of Wave Propagation in Hollow Cylindrical Human Long Dry Bone Subject to Rotation and Magnetic Field." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 14(10) (2017).
  134. Mahmoud, S. R., Ghaleb, S. A., Alzahrani, A. K., & Ghandourah, E. "Mathematical Approach of Avascular Tumor for Effect of Growth on the Mechanical Stresses." Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences 11(5) (2017): 1353-1360.
  135. Mahmoud, S. R., Ghaleb, S. A., & Alzahrani, A. K. "Mathematical Model for Study the Microtubules Using Shear Deformation Theories." Applied Mathematical Sciences 11(4) (2017).
  136. Wang, Z., Kerketta, R., Chuang, Y. L., Dogra, P., Butner, J. D., Brocato, T. A., Day, A., Xu, R., Shen, H., Simbawa, E., Al-Fhaid, A. S., Mahmoud, S. R., Curley, S. A., Ferrari, M., Koay, E. J., & Cristini, V. "Theory and Experimental Validation of a Spatio-Temporal Model of Chemotherapy Transport to Enhance Tumor Cell Kill." PLoS Computational Biology 12(6) (2016): e1004969.
  137. Butner, J. D., Chuang, Y. L., Simbawa, E., Al-Fhaid, A. S., Mahmoud, S. R., & Cristini, V. "A Hybrid Agent-Based Model of the Developing Mammary Terminal End Bud." Journal of Theoretical Biology 407 (2016): 259-270.
  138. Draiche, K., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Refined Theory with Stretching Effect for the Flexure Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates." Geomechanics and Engineering 11(5) (2016): 671-690.
  139. Bousahla, A. A., Benyoucef, S., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "On Thermal Stability of Plates with Functionally Graded Coefficient of Thermal Expansion." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 60(2) (2016): 313-335.
  140. Houari, M. S. A., Tounsi, A., Bessaim, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A New Simple Three-Unknown Sinusoidal Shear Deformation Theory for Functionally Graded Plates." Steel and Composite Structures 22(2) (2016): 257-276.
  141. Beldjelili, Y., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical Bending of S-FGM Plates Resting on Variable Elastic Foundations Using a Four-Variable Trigonometric Plate Theory." Smart Structures and Systems 18(4) (2016): 755-786.
  142. Bouderba, B., Houari, M. S. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Thermal Stability of Functionally Graded Sandwich Plates Using a Simple Shear Deformation Theory." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 58(3) (2016): 397-422.
  143. Boukhari, A., Ait Atmane, H., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "An Efficient Shear Deformation Theory for Wave Propagation of Functionally Graded Material Plates." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 57(5) (2016): 837-859.
  144. Mahmoud, S. R. "An Analytical Solution for Effect of Initial Stress, Rotation, Magnetic Field and a Periodic Loading in Thermo-Viscoelastic Homogeneity Medium with a Spherical Cavity." Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 23(1) (2016): 1-7.
  145. Frieboes, H. B., Smith, B. R., Wang, Z., Kotsuma, M., Ito, K., Day, A., Cahill, B., Flinders, C., Mumenthaler, S. M., Mallick, P., Simbawa, E., Al-Fhaid, A. S., Mahmoud, S. R., Gambhir, S. S., & Cristini, V. "Predictive Modeling of Drug Response in Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma." PLoS One 10:e0129433 (2015).
  146. Ait Atmane, H., Tounsi, A., Bernard, F., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A Computational Shear Displacement Model for Vibrational Analysis of Functionally Graded Beams with Porosities." Steel and Composite Structures 19(2) (2016): 369-384.
  147. Hussein, N. S., Bayones, F. S., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Effect of the Rotation on a Non-Homogeneous Infinite Cylinder of Orthotropic Material with External Magnetic Field." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 54(1) (2015): 135-148.
  148. Mahmoud, S. R. "Effect of Non-Homogeneity, Magnetic Field and Gravity Field on Rayleigh Waves in an Initially Stressed Elastic Half-Space of Orthotropic Material Subject to Rotation." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 11 (2014): 1627-1634.
  149. Mahmoud, S. R. "Analytical Solution for Free Vibrations of Elastodynamic Orthotropic Hollow Sphere under the Influence of Rotation." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 11(1) (2014): 137-146.
  150. Mahmoud, S. R., Marin, M., Tounsi, A., & Abd-Alla, A. M. "The Problem of Wave Propagation in Magneto Rotating Orthotropic Non-Homogeneous Medium." Journal of Vibration and Control 21(16) (2015).
  151. Belkorissat, I., Houari, M. S. A., Tounsi, A., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "On Vibration Properties of Functionally Graded Nano-Plate Using a New Nonlocal Refined Four Variable Model." Steel and Composite Structures 18(4) (2015): 1063-1081.
  152. Meradjah, M., Kaci, A., Houari, M. S. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A New Higher Order Shear and Normal Deformation Theory for Functionally Graded Beams." Steel and Composite Structures 18(3) (2015): 793-809.
  153. Chaht, F. L., Kaci, A., Houari, M. S. A., Tounsi, A., Beg, O. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Bending and Buckling Analyses of Functionally Graded Material (FGM) Size-Dependent Nanoscale Beams Including the Thickness Stretching Effect." Steel and Composite Structures 18(2) (2015): 425-442.
  154. Mahmoud, S. R. "Analytical Solution for Electrostatic Potential on Wave Propagation Modeling in Human Long Wet Bones." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 11(2) (2014): 454-463.
  155. Attia, A., Tounsi, A., Adda Bedia, E. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Free Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates with Temperature-Dependent Properties Using Various Four Variable Refined Plate Theories." Steel and Composite Structures 18(1) (2015): 187-212.
  156. Hamidi, A., Houari, M. S. A., Mahmoud, S. R., & Tounsi, A. "A Sinusoidal Plate Theory with 5-Unknowns and Stretching Effect for Thermomechanical Bending of Functionally Graded Sandwich Plates." Steel and Composite Structures 18(1) (2015): 235-253.
  157. Elsayed, E. M., Mahmoud, S. R., & Ali, A. T. "The Dynamics and the Solutions of Some Rational Difference Equations." Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications 18(3) (2014): 430-439.
  158. Al-Basyouni, K. S., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Size Dependent Bending and Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Micro Beams Based on Modified Couple Stress Theory and Neutral Surface Position." Composite Structures 125 (2015): 621-630.
  159. Mahmoud, S. R., Marin, M., & Tounsi, A. "The Problem of Wave Propagation in Magneto Rotating Orthotropic Non-Homogeneous Medium." Journal of Vibration and Control 21(16) (2015).
  160. Al-Basyouni, K. S., Mahmoud, S. R., & Alzahrani, E. O. "Effect of Rotation, Magnetic Field and a Periodic Loading on Radial Vibrations Thermo-Viscoelastic Non-Homogeneous Media." Boundary Value Problems (2014).
  161. Mahmoud, S. R., Tounsi, A., Ali, A. T., & Al-Basyouni, K. S. "The Effect of Initial Stress and Magnetic Field on Wave Propagation in Human Dry Bones." Boundary Value Problems 2014 (2014): 135.
  162. Mahmoud, S. R., Abd-Alla, A. M., & Al-Basyouni, K. S. "Effect of the Non-Homogeneity on Wave Propagation in the Composite Infinite Cylinder." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 11 (2014): 1887-1890.
  163. Mahmoud, S. R., Abd-Alla, A. M., & Al-Basyouni, K. S. "On Problem of the Radial Vibrations in Non-Homogeneous Orthotropic Hollow Sphere Subject to Initial Stress and Rotation." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 11 (2014): 1486-1491.
  164. Mahmoud, S. R., Marin, M., & Al-Basyouni, K. S. "Effect of the Initial Stress and Rotation on Free Vibrations in Transversely Isotropic Human Long Dry Bone." An. S¸t. Univ. Ovidius Constanta (2014).
  165. Mahmoud, S. R., Abd-Alla, A. M. "Influence of Magnetic Field on Free Vibrations in Elastodynamic Problem of Orthotropic Hollow Sphere." Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - English Edition 35(8) (2014): 1051-1066.
  166. Ali, A. T., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Position Vector of Spacelike Slant Helices in Minkowski 3-Space." Honam Mathematical Journal 36(2) (2014): 233–251.
  167. Marin, M., Mahmoud, S. R., & Stan, G. "Internal State Variables in Dipolar Thermoelastic Bodies." Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 43(1) (2014): 15-26.
  168. Mahmoud, S. R., Tounsi, A., Marin, M., Ali, S. I., & Ali, A. T. "Effect of Magnetic Field and Initial Stress on Radial Vibrations in Rotating Orthotropic Homogeneous Hollow Sphere." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 11 (2014): 1524-1529.
  169. Fekrar, A., Houari, M. S. A., Tounsi, A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "A New Five-Unknown Refined Theory Based on Neutral Surface Position for Bending Analysis of Exponential Graded Plates." Meccanica 49(4) (2014): 795-810.
  170. Belabed, Z., Houari, M. S. A., Tounsi, A., Mahmoud, S. R., & Beg, O. A. "An Efficient and Simple Higher Order Shear and Normal Deformation Theory for Functionally Graded Material (FGM) Plates." Composites Part B: Engineering 60 (2014): 274–283.
  171. Ali, A. T., Yadav, A. K., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Some Plane Symmetric Inhomogeneous Cosmological Models in the Scalar-Tensor Theory of Gravitation." Astrophysics and Space Science 349(1) (2014): 539-547.
  172. Mahmoud, S. R., Abd-Alla, A. M., & Elsayed, E. M. "Numerical Solutions of an Infinite Non-Homogeneous Thermo-Elastic Media Subject to the Rotation." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 11(12) (2014): 2489-2494.
  173. Semmah, A., Beg, O. A., Mahmoud, S. R., Heireche, H., & Tounsi, A. "Thermal Buckling Properties of Zigzag Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using a Refined Nonlocal Model." Advances in Material Research 3(1) (2014): 237-257.
  174. Abd-Alla, A. M., Edfawy, E., & Mahmoud, S. R. "On Problem of the Non-Homogeneity on an Infinite Orthotropic Elastic Cylinder." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 11 (2014): 945-952.
  175. Elsayed, E. M., Mahmoud, S. R., & Ali, A. T. "Expression and Dynamics of the Solutions of Some Rational Recursive Sequences." Iranian Journal of Science & Technology 38A3 (2014): 295-303.
  176. Abd-Alla, A. M., Abo-Dahab, S. M., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Effects of Voids and Rotation on Plane Waves in Generalized Thermoelasticity." Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 27(12) (2013): 3607-3614.
  177. Mahmoud, S. R. "On Problem of Shear Waves in a Magneto-Elastic Half-Space of Initially Stressed Non-Homogeneous Anisotropic Material Under Influence of Rotation." International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 77 (2013): 269–276.
  178. Mahmoud, S. R. "An Analytical Solution for Effect of Magnetic Field and Initial Stress on an Infinite Generalized Thermoelastic Rotating Nonhomogeneous Diffusion Medium." Abstract and Applied Analysis 2013 (2013): Article ID 284646.
  179. Bessaim, M. S. A., Houari, M. S. A., Tounsi, A., Mahmoud, S. R., & Adda Bedia, E. A. "A New Higher-Order Shear and Normal Deformation Theory for the Static and Free Vibration Analysis of Sandwich Plates with Functionally Graded Isotropic Face Sheets." Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 15(6) (2013): 671-703.
  180. Tounsi, A., Adda Bedia, E. A., Mahmoud, S. R., Amziane, S. "Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Functionally Graded Structures." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (2013): Article ID 536867.
  181. Marin, M., Agarwal, R. P., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Modeling a Microstretch Thermoelastic Body with Two Temperatures." Abstract and Applied Analysis 2013 (2013): Article ID 583464.
  182. Marin, M., Agarwal, R. P., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Nonsimple Material Problems Addressed by the Lagrange's Identity." Boundary Value Problems 2013 (2013): Article ID 135.
  183. Marin, M., Mahmoud, S. R., & Al-Basyouni, K. S. "Problems of Micromorphic Elastic Bodies Approached by Lagrange Identity Method." Computers, Materials & Continua 37(1) (2013).
  184. Mahmoud, S. R., Marin, M., Ali, S. I., & Al-Basyouni, K. S. "On Free Vibrations of Elastodynamic Problem in Rotating Non-Homogeneous Orthotropic Hollow Sphere." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (2013): Article ID 250567.
  185. Abd-Alla, A. M., Yahya, G. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Effect of the Rotation, Magnetic Field and Initial Stress on Peristaltic Motion of Micropolar Fluid." Meccanica 48(3) (2013): 555-566.
  186. Abd-Alla, A. M., Yahya, G. A., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Radial Vibrations in a Non-Homogeneous Orthotropic Elastic Hollow Sphere Subjected to Rotation." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 10(2) (2013): 455-463.
  187. Abd-Alla, A. M., Mahmoud, S. R., & Abo-Dahab, S. M. "Influence of the Rotation and Gravity Field on Stonely Waves in a Non-Homogeneous Orthotropic Elastic Medium." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 10(2) (2013): 297-305.
  188. Abd-Alla, A. M., & Mahmoud, S. R. "On Problem of Radial Vibrations in Non-Homogeneity Isotropic Cylinder Under Influence of Initial Stress and Magnetic Field." Journal of Vibration and Control 19(9) (2013): 1283-1293.
  189. Mahmoud, S. R. "Influence of Rotation and Generalized Magneto-Thermoelastic on Rayleigh Waves in a Granular Medium Under Effect of Initial Stress and Gravity Field." Meccanica 47(7) (2012): 1561-1579.
  190. Abd-Alla, A. M., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Analytical Solution of Wave Propagation in Non-Homogeneous Orthotropic Rotating Elastic Media." Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 26(3) (2012): 917-926.
  191. Abd-Alla, A. M., Mahmoud, S. R., & Yahya, G. A. "Effect of the Rotation, Magnetic Field and Initial Stress on Peristaltic Motion of Micropolar Fluid." Meccanica 47(6) (2012): 1455-1465.
  192. Abd-Alla, A. M., Mahmoud, S. R., & Abo-Dahab, S. M. "On Problem of Transient Coupled Thermoelasticity of an Annular Fin." Meccanica 47(5) (2012): 1295-1306.
  193. Mahmoud, S. R. "Effect of Rotation and Magnetic Field Through Porous Medium on Peristaltic Transport of a Jeffrey Fluid in Tube." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2011 (2011): Article ID 971456.
  194. Abd-Alla, A. M., Mahmoud, S. R., & Al-Shehri, N. A. "Effect of the Rotation on a Non-Homogeneous Infinite Cylinder of Orthotropic Material." Applied Mathematics and Computation 217(22) (2011): 8914-8922.
  195. Abd-Alla, A. M., Mahmoud, S. R., & Abo-Dahab, S. M. "Wave Propagation Modeling in Cylindrical Human Long Wet Bones with Cavity." Meccanica 46(6) (2011): 1413-1428.
  196. Mahmoud, S. R., Abd-Alla, A. M., & Al-Shehri, N. A. "Effect of the Rotation on Wave Motion Through Cylindrical Bore in a Micropolar Porous Cubic Crystal." International Journal of Modern Physics B 25(20) (2011): 2713-2728.
  197. Mahmoud, S. R., Abd-Alla, A. M., & Al-Shehri, N. A. "Effect of the Rotation on Plane Vibrations in a Transversely Isotropic Infinite Hollow Cylinder." International Journal of Modern Physics B 25(26) (2011): 3513-3528.
  198. Abd-Alla, A. M., Mahmoud, S. R., Abo-Dahab, S. M., & Helmi, M. I. R. "Propagation of S-Wave in a Non-Homogeneous Anisotropic Incompressible and Initially Stressed Medium Under Influence of Gravity Field." Applied Mathematics and Computation 217(9) (2011): 4321-4332.
  199. Abd-Alla, A. M., Mahmoud, S. R., Abo-Dahab, S. M., & Alosaimi, H. S. "On Generalized Magneto-Thermoelastic Rayleigh Waves in a Granular Medium Under Influence of Gravity Field and Initial Stress." Journal of Vibration and Control 17 (2011): 115-128.
  200. Mahmoud, S. R. "Wave Propagation in Cylindrical Poroelastic Dry Bones." Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 4(2) (2010): 209-226.
  201. Abd-Alla, A. M., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Magneto-Thermoelastic Problem in Rotating Non-Homogeneous Orthotropic Hollow Cylindrical under the Hyperbolic Heat Conduction Model." Meccanica 45(4) (2010): 451-462.
  202. Mahmoud, S. R. "Effect of Rotation on Generalized Magneto-Thermoelastic Rayleigh Waves in a Granular Medium under Influence of Gravity Field and Initial Stress." Applied Mathematical Sciences 5(41) (2011): 2013-2032.
  203. Abd-Alla, A. M., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Magneto-Thermo-Viscoelastic Interactions in an Unbounded Non-Homogeneous Body with a Spherical Cavity Subjected to a Periodic Loading." Applied Mathematical Sciences 5(29) (2011): 1431-1447.
  204. Abd-Alla, A. M., Mahmoud, S. R., & Althagafy, M. H. "Effect of Rotation and Non-Homogeneity on the Radial Vibrations in Orthotropic Hollow Sphere." International Journal of Engineering & Technology 12(02) (2012): 62-82.
  205. Abd-Alla, A. M., Mahmoud, S. R., & Althagafy, M. H. "Effect of Magnetic Field and Non-Homogeneity on the Radial Vibrations in Hollow Elastic Cylinder." International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering 12(02) (2012): 01-13.
  206. Abd-Alla, A. M., Mahmoud, S. R., & Matooka, B. R. "Effect of the Rotation on Waves in a Cylindrical Borehole Filled with Micropolar Fluid." International Mathematical Forum 6(55) (2011): 2711-2728.
  207. Afifi, N. A., Mahmoud, S. R., & Al-Isede, H. M. "Effect of Magnetic Field and Wall Properties on Peristaltic Motion of Micropolar Fluid in Circular Cylindrical Tubes." International Mathematical Forum 6(27) (2011): 1345-1356.
  208. Mahmoud, S. R., Afifi, N. A., & Al-Isede, H. M. "Effect of Porous Media and Magnetic Field on Peristaltic Transport of a Jeffrey Fluid in an Asymmetric Channel." International Journal of Mathematical Analysis 5(21) (2011): 1025-1034.
  209. Mahmoud, S. R. "Effect of the Non-Homogeneity on Wave Propagation on Orthotropic Elastic Media." International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences 5(45) (2010): 2211-2224.
  210. Abd-Alla, A. M., Mahmoud, S. R., Abo-Dahab, S. M., & Helmi, M. I. R. "Influences of Rotation, Magnetic Field, Initial Stress, and Gravity on Rayleigh Waves in a Homogeneous Orthotropic Elastic Half-Space." Applied Mathematical Sciences 4(2) (2010): 91-108.
  211. Abd-Alla, A. M., & Mahmoud, S. R. "Effect of the Rotation on Propagation of Thermoelastic Waves in a Non-Homogeneous Infinite Cylinder of Isotropic Material." International Journal of Mathematical Analysis 4(42) (2010): 2051-2064.
  212. Abd-Alla, M., Mahmoud, S. R., & El-Naggar, A. M. "An Analytical Solution of Electro-Mechanical Wave Propagation in Long Bones." Applied Mathematics and Computation 119(1) (2001): 77-98.

المواد والمحاضرات

معادلات تفاضلية 2 463 TMAT
معادلات تفاضلية 1 361 TMAT
تطبيقات رياضية 461 TMAT
احصاء 101 TSTT
التفاضل والتكامل 3 303 TMAT
معادلات تفاضلية 204 Math
مواضيع في المعادلات التفاضلية الجزئية 406 Math
مواضيع في الرياضيات التطبيقية 332 Math
الرياضيات التحضيرية (1) 100 GRC
الرياضيات التحضيرية (2) 101 GRC
موضوعات مختارة III MAT MATH-798
حلقة مناقشة MAT MATH-795
MATH-796 موضوعات خاصة في الرياضيات 1 MAT MATH-796

مجالات الخبرة

الهندسة التفاضلية Differential Geometry
التحليل الإحصائي - برمجيات الرياضيات IBM SPSS Statistics - Statistical analysis - Mathematics programs
نظرية المرونة المحلية والمرونة الحراية Nonlocal elasticity - Thermoelasticity
Nanocomposite structures Nanocomposite structures
Functionally graded material Functionally graded material
Models in Biomechanics Models in Biomechanics
Elasticity and Nonlocal elasticity Elasticity and Nonlocal elasticity
Thermoelasticity Thermoelasticity
Computational Methods Computational Methods
Fluid Mechanics Fluid Mechanics
المواد المتقدمة-المواد النانوية وتراكيب النانو Advanced Composite Materials -Nanomaterials